Respect for Shareholder Rights

The J-POWER Group believes that its sustainable growth and the enhancement of its corporate value over the medium-to-long term can only be achieved through cooperation with a wide range of stakeholders. The Company respects the rights of its shareholders and strives to properly collaborate with its shareholders as important stakeholders.

Ensuring the Rights and Equality of Shareholders

The Company's policy regarding shareholder rights, such as voting rights at the general meeting of shareholders, is to respect their rights and ensure substantial equality. The Company also takes steps to ensure the exercise of the special rights of listed companies and listed company officers who are entitled as minor shareholders (including the right to seek injunctions against illegal activities and the right to file shareholder lawsuits).

General Meetings of Shareholders

The Company provides information that is regarded to contribute to appropriate decision-making by shareholders at general meetings of shareholders, through the improvement of the contents of convocation notices, reference materials, and business reports, as well as disclosure of financial results, timely disclosures, and the posting of information on its website, as needed.

The Company sends a convocation notice for each ordinary general meeting of shareholders around three weeks ahead of the meeting date to ensure that the shareholders have sufficient time to consider the proposals for the meeting and can accordingly appropriately exercise their voting rights. It also endeavors to disclose information included in the convocation notice online in both Japanese and English, prior to sending the notice. It also endeavors to avoid scheduling the meeting on days when other companies’ tend to hold their shareholder meetings.

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