
Toshifumi Watanabe Representative Director Chairman (Left)
Hitoshi Kanno Representative Director President and Chief Executive Officer (Right)

J-POWER’s Corporate Philosophy is: “We will meet people’s needs for energy without fail, and play our part to ensure the sustainable development of Japan and the rest of the world.”
For more than 70 years, this philosophy has guided us as we have worked to provide efficient and stable supplies of electric power and developed our businesses globally.

Today, ensuring stable energy supplies while also acting on climate change has become our most important challenge in terms of the future sustainability of human civilization.

Under these circumstances, we formulated J-POWER “BLUE MISSION 2050” in 2021, and are stepping up efforts to achieve our goals of carbon neutrality and the realization of a hydrogen-based society in 2050.

By leveraging the comprehensive technologies and knowledge we have built up in Japan and internationally over many years, we will work even harder to innovate and to meet global demands for both stable supplies of energy and for action on climate change, as an energy company that is committed to creating a better future.

June 2023

Toshifumi Watanabe Representative Director Chairman
Toshifumi Watanabe

Hitoshi Kanno Representative Director President and Chief Executive Officer
Hitoshi Kanno

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