Respect for Human Rights

Respect for Human Rights

We recognize that respect for human rights is an important issue. In order to clearly show our attitude toward respect for human rights and fulfill our responsibilities, we have established the "J-POWER Group Basic Policy on Human Rights" that shows the basic concept of respect for human rights. We have been working to respect human rights as part of the J-POWER Group's "Compliance Action Guidelines", but in the future we will promote efforts to respect human rights of all stakeholders, including the supply chain, based on this policy.

Signing of the UN Global Compact

In April 2020, J-POWER was registered as one of the corporate signatories of the UN Global Compact (UNGC). At the same time, we joined Global Compact Network Japan, a group composed of Japanese signatories to the compact.
J-POWER has engaged in efforts to improve its corporate value in the fields of environment, society, and governance (ESG). By signing the UNGC and clearly expressing our corporate stance, we will further strengthen our ESG initiatives.

Human Rights and Compliance Initiatives

For over 10 years, the J-POWER Group has provided training via a variety of opportunities in order to deepen understanding of the respect for human rights among its employees and give them knowledge of various types of harassment as well as on compliance. In addition, the Group is also actively involved in promoting diversity through such means as regularly holding lectures on themes like unconscious biases and entrepreneurship by persons with disabilities. Alongside the above, the Group conducts compliance surveys with the aim of regularly assessing employees’ awareness of compliance as well as changes in the surrounding environment, utilizing this information in the development of future compliance policies.

FY2020 Implementation Status

Items Overview Participants
Level-specific training Lectures on human rights, compliance, and various forms of harassment given during training for new hires and management training 207
Human rights and compliance training Lectures on human rights, compliance, and various forms of harassment held for employees working in target institutions 237

Human Rights Inquiry Desks

We have set up inquiry desks to appropriately address human rights-related issues. Through the following contacts, we accept inquiries from employees and officers of our company, group companies, affiliates, and business partners regarding any potential human rights violations or concerns within our company and its group companies' operations or employee behavior. This includes individuals who were employees or officers within one year from the date of the consultation.
Privacy is strictly protected and no one who inquires is treated unfavorably.
For inquiries about our international business, please contact our group companies in each country.
We are unable to respond to inquiries unrelated to our company or cases involving defamations of an individual. We may not be able to respond to your inquiry. Please note that it may take some time to reply.

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