Our Corporate Governance

Basic Policy

In accordance with its Corporate Philosophy, the J-POWER Group endeavors to enhance corporate governance on an ongoing basis in order to realize sustainable growth and improve corporate value over the medium to long term. The Group believes that sustainable growth and the enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term can be achieved only in cooperation with a wide range of stakeholders.
One important group of stakeholders is shareholders. The Company respects shareholder rights in order to allow for proper collaboration with shareholders. The Group also strives to engage in dialogue with stakeholders in order to build relationships of trust with all of them. J-POWER has established the Basic Policy on Corporate Governance, establishing its basic policy and stance with regards to corporate governance. For more information about the Company's Basic Policy on Corporate Governance, please refer to the J-POWER website.

Ensuring the Rights and Equality of Shareholders

The Company's policy regarding shareholder rights, such as voting rights at the general meeting of shareholders, is to respect such rights and ensure the substantial equality of shareholders. In addition, the Company gives consideration to ensuring that the special rights that are granted to minority shareholders are upheld with regard to confronting listed companies and their officers (including the right to seek an injunction against illegal activities and the right to file a shareholder lawsuit).

General Meetings of Shareholders

The Company provides shareholders with information that it believes to be useful for appropriate decision making at general meetings of shareholders. To this end, it is constantly striving to improve the content of convocation notices, reference materials, and business reports. It also provides information via financial results, timely disclosure materials, and disclosure via its website, as needed.
The Company sends a convocation notice for each ordinary general meeting of shareholders around three weeks prior to the meeting date to ensure that shareholders have sufficient time to consider the proposals to be put before the meetings and enable them to appropriately exercise their voting rights. The Company also discloses information included in the convocation notice online in both Japanese and English prior to sending the notice. Moreover, the Group strives to avoid scheduling the general meeting of shareholders for the date most crowded with other companies' shareholder meetings.

Strategic Shareholdings

J-POWER does not maintain strategic shareholdings unless such shareholdings are deemed to serve a purpose.
Shareholdings are deemed to serve a purpose if they are judged to contribute to the Company's sustainable growth and the medium-to long-term enhancement of its corporate value based on the comprehensive consideration of their profitability, verified through properly ascertaining expected returns and other effects, as well as their objectives, such as the development of joint business and the need to maintain, strengthen, or build business relationships.
Every year, the Board of Directors evaluates the rationality and necessity of each strategic shareholding from such perspectives as consistency with the objectives of said holdings and the balance of the shareholding's profitability against the Company's cost of capital. Holdings found to not serve a purpose are disposed of, with due consideration given to the market impact of such disposal.
J-POWER exercises the voting rights of its strategically held shares based on careful consideration of the medium- to longterm enhancement of the corporate value of the Company and the companies whose shares it holds as well as its objectives in holding such shares.

Shareholder and Investor Engagement

The Company not only conducts General Meetings of Shareholders, but also delivers information via shareholder newsletters, the J-POWER website, and the J-POWER Shares exclusive membership club for shareholders; implements facility tours for shareholders; provides corporate presentations for individual investors; and holds individual meetings with institutional investors. These efforts enable shareholders and investors to better understand our businesses, and the opinions they express are shared with management so that they can be put to use in our operations.

Facility tour for shareholders:
Not implemented in fiscal 2020 to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (Photo depicts a tour of the Matsuura Thermal Power Plant held in fiscal 2019.)

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