Investment In Australian Coal Mines (Australia)

To secure the stable procurement of coal, J-POWER invested in 3 coal mines, Clermont, Narrabri, and Males Creek by way of its subsidiary in Australia, J-POWER AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.

Clermont Coal Mine (Australia)

J-POWER made a 15% investment in Clermont Coal Mine in 2003. The mine is an open-cut mine and an export thermal coal mine located in Queensland’s Bowen Basin, established as a successor coal mine to the adjacent Blair Athol Coal Mine. The Clermont Coal Mine is located 15 kilometers east of the Blair Athol Coal Mine. Current mine shareholders of the Clermont Coal Mine consist of Glencore, Sumitomo, Mitsubishi, JCD and J-POWER.
The first Clermont coal was exported in May 2010 and the mine is currently operating with a capacity of approximately 12 million tons of saleable product per year. Coal is railed about 280 kilometers to Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal using the Goonyella rail system. J-POWER off-takes a certain percentage of coal produced from the Clermont Coal Mine.

Narrabri Coal Mine (Australia)

J-POWER made a 7.5% investment in the Narrabri Coal Mine in 2008, which is located in the Gunnedah Basin in the state of New South Wales, 28 kilometers south of the township of Narrabri. The Narrabri Coal Mine is an underground coal mine which produces low ash, high energy, low-sulphur thermal and PCI coals for the export market. The Narrabri Coal Mine achieved its first coal production by continuous miner in June 2010 and installed ‘longwall’ machinery in year 2012. The longwall production commenced in June 2012 and produces over 6 million tons of salable coal per year. Coal is railed about 380 kilometers to the ports in Newcastle. The Narrabri Coal Mine is owned as a joint venture by Whitehaven Coal Ltd, Upper Horn Investments, EDF Trading, and a Korean Consortium (Daewoo International Corporation and Korea Resources), together with J-POWER.

Maules Creek Coal Mine (Australia)

J-POWER made a 10% investment in Maules Creek Coal Mine in 2012. The mine is located in New South Wales, Gunnedah Basin, approximately 380 km in the north-northwest from Newcastle port. Maules Creek Coal Mine is an open-pit coal mine which produces low ash, high energy, low-sulphur thermal coal together with significant volume of semi-soft coking coal for the export market. The coal mine commenced its commercial operation in July 2015, and will produce up to about 11Mtpa of salable coal by FY 2019. Current mine shareholders of the Maules Creek Coal Mine consist of Whitehaven Coal Ltd, Itochu Corporation and J-POWER.

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