Past Performance [Consolidated]

Operating Revenues

  1. (Note)Amounts less than 0.1 billion yen have been rounded down.

Operating Profit/Operating Profit Ratio

  1. (Note)Amounts less than 0.1 billion yen have been rounded down.

Ordinary Profit/Ordinary Profit Ratio

  1. (Note)Amounts less than 0.1 billion yen have been rounded down.

Net Income/Net Income Ratio

  1. (Note)Amounts less than 0.1 billion yen have been rounded down.
  1. Net income (Profit attributable to owners of parent)

Condensed Statements of Income

(Millions of yen)
  2020/3 2021/3 2022/3 2023/3 2024/3
Operating Revenue 913,775 909,144 1,084,621 1,841,922 1,257,998
Electric Utility Operating Revenue 684,155 731,302 876,431 1,417,902 899,476
Overseas Business Operating Revenue 179,094 138,087 145,106 277,555 259,264
Other Business Operating Revenue 50,525 39,754 63,083 146,464 99,256
Non-Operating Income 26,537 11,214 22,508 24,764 49,518
Dividend Income 1,465 2,839 1,862 1,927 1,866
Interest Income 1,264 515 1,811 3,472 7,447
Share of Profit of Entities Accounted for Using Equity Method 11,320 2,759 14,228 9,128 24,550
Gain on Sale of Non-Current Assets - - 63 3,936 -
Insurance Claim Income - 2,202 - - -
Foreign Exchange Gains 7,498 - - - -
Other 4,989 2,897 4,543 6,299 15,654
Total Ordinary Revenue 940,313 920,359 1,107,130 1,866,686 1,307,516
Operating Expenses 830,136 831,369 997,642 1,658,055 1,152,293
Electric Utility Operating Expenses 629,287 675,837 824,491 1,340,611 861,021
Overseas Business Operating Expenses 151,810 109,167 118,290 248,592 226,756
Other Business Operating Expenses 49,039 46,364 54,860 68,850 64,515
Operating Profit 83,638 77,775 86,979 183,867 105,704
Non-Operating Expenses 32,091 28,086 36,641 37,839 36,687
Interest Expenses 26,293 23,746 22,442 27,368 30,937
Loss on Retirement of Non-Current Assets - - 1,780 4,667 -
Foreign Exchange Losses - - 7,558 - -
Other 5,797 4,340 4,859 5,803 5,749
Total Ordinary Expenses 862,228 859,456 1,034,283 1,695,894 1,188,981
Ordinary Profit 78,085 60,903 72,846 170,792 118,535
Extraordinary Income - 9,478 - - -
Extraordinary Losses 12,497 5,706 - - -
Profit before Income Taxes 65,587 64,674 72,846 170,792 118,535
Income Taxes-Current 15,611 35,451 14,581 37,935 27,393
Income Taxes-Deferred (3,620) (1,960) (16,519) 13,864 6,446
Total Income Taxes 11,990 33,491 (1,938) 51,799 33,839
Profit 53,596 31,183 74,784 118,993 84,695
Profit Attributable to Non-Controlling Interests 11,319 8,879 5,097 5,303 6,920
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent 42,277 22,304 69,687 113,689 77,774
  1. (Note)Amounts less than 1 million yen have been rounded down.
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